The chatbot is very efficient because it can interact with many individuals at once and is multilingual so there is never a language barrier. Chatbots are designed to answer already known questions your guest may ask. When an unfamiliar question is asked the automated system can take note of it and forward it to an actual person that can find the answer.
Even before your guest arrives they will probably engage with your chatbot over various forms of social media. Some of these social media sites will also begin funneling your advertisements to the individual’s page.
The chatbot can offer coupons to individuals that showed interest, but didn’t book a room yet. For those who have booked a room, the chatbot can contact them to learn when they will arrive. The chatbot will prompt the guests to inquire about their needs before arrival and remind the guest when check in is.
This system allows a profile of your guest to be built. Future promotions can thus be sent to the guest enticing them to return or suggesting your hotel or resort to others. The chatbot saves time and money while giving your guests personal attention.